Monday, June 09, 2008

Imperial History

The history of China can be quite mind-boggling - especially if you've spent most of your life as an Anglophile, as I have. And because the study of history is so vital to the understanding and appreciation of literature and art, I've done a quick search on Wikipedia regarding the centuries-old imperial dynasties of China.

Xia (2100 - 1600 BC)
Shang (1600 BC - 1046 BC)
Zhou (1046 - 221 BC)
Qin (221 - 206 BC)
Han (206 - 220 CE)
Three Kingdoms (220 - 280)
Jin (265 - 420)
Southern & Northern (420 - 589)
Sui (581 - 618)
Tang (618 - 907) - often known as the Golden Age
Song (960 - 1279)
Yuan (1271 - 1368)
Ming (1368 - 1644)
Qing (1644 - 1911)

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