Sunday, May 18, 2008

Digesting a disaster

Ever since the Sichuan earthquake struck last Monday, I have struggled to blog - mostly because so much has already been written & broadcast, and I haven't had the chance to process it all. While I can't pretend to fully comprehend the extent of the disaster, there are some key images that have stuck in my mind:
  • The faces of grieving parents who have lost their only child. In Sichuan province - a whole generation has been lost
  • The look of horror on the faces of young emergency workers as the sea of bodies arrive at the hospital. Some actually run away from the scene and are seen comforting each other
  • The hands-on leadership displayed by Premier Wen Jiao Bao directing recovery operations. He flew to Sichuan province within 2 hours of the earthquake and has been seen daily on Chinese television comforting parents & talking to buried survivors through a megaphone. Staged or not, I'm impressed
  • The nationalistic fervour of the Chinese people is very evident in the donations of money, emergency supplies and blood that have been pouring in to help earthquake victims
  • Apparently many warning signs appeared two weeks ago e.g. mass migration of frogs and butterflies from Chengdu - the epicentre of the quake
At times like this - when I'm lost of words - I turn to the lyrics of a song we used to sing in the Youth Ensemble:

God is too wise to be mistaken
God is too good to be unkind
So when you don't understand
And you can't see His plan
When you can't trace His hand
Trust His Heart

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