Thursday, May 08, 2008


I fell in love with musical theatre listening to the opening strains of Les Miserables in 1995 and haven't looked back since. Some of my favourites (in order of preference) include:
  1. Les Miserables - I've seen it 4 times :-)
  2. Mama Mia! - danced so hard I sprained my ankle
  3. We Will Rock You - screamed so much I lost my voice
  4. Lion King - queued for 3 hours and got the last standing ticket
  5. Hairspray - although I've only seen the movie version, I love the songs
  6. Spelling Bee
  7. Phantom of the Opera
  8. Cabaret
  9. Cats
  10. Crazy For You
  11. Oliver!
  12. Chang & Eng
  13. Chicago
  14. Passion
  15. Miss Saigon
  16. Fame
  17. Fossey
  18. The Boy from Oz
  19. Peter Pan
But as far as leading men are concerned, there is only one - MICHAEL BALL. I queued shamelessly outside the stage door of Queen's Theatre to get his autograph (proof attached). Although he didn't spell my name correctly, I managed to pour out my love in one sentence:


Hmmm..I wonder why he wasn't impressed. Aren't you?

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