Monday, August 06, 2007


Aunty Jo-Jo tandem-skydiving over Queenstown, New Zealand

This is THE most exciting thing I've ever done - period.

While others proudly display photos of graduations, weddings and kids (all good things by the way), this photo takes pride of place in my home.

The date: 30th December 1999
The place: Queenstown, New Zealand - the adrenaline capital of the world
The time: Can't remember, I was too scared :-)

Modus Operandi
  1. Sign forms to agree that I'm taking my life into my own hands.
  2. Swipe Visa card to hand over half my life savings
  3. Attend 30-min training on what to do - bla..bla..technical jargon..bla bla - basically trust the instructor and don't PANIC!
  4. Get into skydive suit and hook up all the gear
  5. Climb aboard a small Cessna plane and wait till you get to 12,000 feet
  6. JUMP!


P/S: Highly recommended for anyone with fear of heights - it'll cure it once and for all

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